Medkits vs. Autoregeneration

Recently, while working on mechanics in my project, Phantaruk, I wondered what health and damage system would fit this game. I asked myself: “What does it affect the most?” and “Can I force player to do something with this?

One of the systems is Health Points with medkits. On the other hand, we have variations on recharging health. Generally, the latter can be spotted in games more frequently. But why? The answer is fairly simple: tension. We can easily notice that recharging health is quite fast and in a short time we can go back into battle.

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Thursday inspirations (1) “Sunrise”

From now on, inspirational packs are going to be released every thursday. Each pack will contain some musical pieces and some pictures which will certainly broaden your creativity. Enjoy!


“Rising” by Ilsur Gareev

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